This post has been migrated and imported into different systems over the years, I have not had a chance to format this post manually so it may be hard to read but I have left it here as a reference.

I mentioned Lift when I wrote about The 10 Most Innovative Startups 2013. I still use Lift today and it is a great motivational app. Now they are starting the “Quantified Diet Project” in order to find out which diet really works!

Get healthier and be a part of science!

“Let’s challenge the diet industry’s fuzzy claims about what diets actually work. You’ll get healthier, plus you’ll help pioneer a new way to do science research on a large scale that hasn’t been possible before. We’re designing the study with advice from researchers at UC Berkeley and Stanford.”

I am going to give it a try myself, I had already gotten started on a diet and this will be a great compliment to add additional motivation to that plan. The Paleo diet which I will be doing fits pretty nicely with my original plan and I will be starting my first meal according to this diet tonight!

Try it for yourself!