This post has been migrated and imported into different systems over the years, I have not had a chance to format this post manually so it may be hard to read but I have left it here as a reference.

So lately I tried registering a few .xyz domains containing the swedish characters åäö over at NameCheap which failed, NameCheap is one of my favorite registrars (See my review of the best and worst registrars here). The fact that my order failed surprised me since I had previously registered swedish domain names with åäö characters without a problem. I would get an error that said “IDN table ‘swe’ is not supported by this server.”. I contacted NameCheap support regarding the problem and they stated that the Swedish language was not supported for .xyz domains.

@MarkusTenghamn The issue is that .xyz IDN domains support a limited number of languages, feel free to check at

— (@Namecheap) June 18, 2016

However I felt that this was wrong as the .xyz website NameCheap refers to mentions languages and scripts, I believe Swedish would fall under Latin. In addition to that, I had already registered Swedish .xyz domains that contained åäö without any issue previously and they would resolve to my server without a problem. So I went ahead and tested an order at which worked without a problem.

(image removed)

You can also check the domain Fö and see that it resolves without an issue. So clearly something was wrong but it seemed hard to get my point across to NameCheap, I went on a bit of a twitter rant but oh well :)

I also decided to test registering domains with other registrars that had discounted pricing for .xyz domains at the time.

(image removed)I tested with Godaddy (please note that Godaddy has received some vary bad reviews in my previous posts) and they also seem to have the same issue but it does not say exactly why it occured.

Next I headed over to and tried registering a few domains, same problem there as you can see below.

(image removed)I also headed over to another registrar called Hover and they also seem to be facing the same issue as you can see in the image below.

(image removed)My orders were refunded so not a problem but I would like to register my domains and take advantage of the discounts offered by registrars currently.

Since this error affects multiple registrars it seems like this issue is related to a problem with the .xyz registry and we are waiting for an answer, I know that multiple registrars have sent support requests and NameCheap has been great in helping me get to the bottom of this issue.

Update June 20th

It’s monday and .xyz finally responded confirming that Swedish domains are supported by .xyz and fall under Latin.

.@MarkusTenghamn @namedotcom @gandibar yes. is swedish and live. It falls under the category of “Latin” ;)

— XYZ (@xyz) June 20, 2016